Overview of Workshops, PSHE Sessions and Assemblies for Schools and Academies
These training packages and workshops have been developed for a range of aspects of behaviour management in schools and academies. They are designed to address a variety of issues which are applicable to a wide range of school-based staff, pupils and parents.
1. CDI Strategy Parent Workshops
Similar to the CDI (Choice, Decision, Instruction) Strategy and Coaching Skills Approach for schools, this training helps to address low-level and medium-level behaviour issues in the home. Children benefit from understanding basic concepts that will help them in managing their behaviour. Supporting children in making appropriate choices, making the right decisions and in following instructions will enable them to focus on necessary skills for successful interaction with adults and other children in the home. This strategy establishes a simple, structure for promoting these concepts that can be used by parents and carers.
Aims of the training:
To establish the purpose of the strategy
To identify and use appropriate language and terminology
To demonstrate understanding of the concepts
To apply learning to practical situations in the home
2. I’m Not Different. I’m Unique
This is delivered as an Anti-Bullying assembly and discussion, with illustrated slides, short film clips and a quiz to demonstrate the effects of bullying. There is a Key Stage One version which covers what bullying is, racist bullying, name-calling, the signs of bullying and what to do. The Key Stage Two version also includes types of discrimination, cyberbullying, verbal abuse and emotional bullying. The training can be delivered as a stimulus to further work in the area of Anti-bullying or may be delivered as a stand-alone assembly. The aims are:
To raise the awareness of children to the issues around bullying
To encourage children to recognise and report bullying happening to themselves or others
To develop an understanding of why bullying is harmful and ways of preventing it happening
3. Building Resilience Workshop for Parents
This training offers support for parents to understand and facilitate the opportunity for children to benefit from understanding basic concepts that will help them in managing their behaviour. It is helpful where family members routinely display patterns of behaviour consistent with an inability to manage issues, conflicts and feelings. This is particularly relevant where pupils are known to have challenging lifestyles or difficult situations outside of school that influence their behaviour within school. The training provides parents with a range of activities to help with practical strategies for building their children’s resilience and support for families to appreciate why the behaviours of children and their families can be more suitably managed.
Its aims are:
To have an awareness of some of the challenges that can affect children’s behaviour
To be equipped with problem-solving skills to help build their resilience
To develop an understanding of why resilience is important
4. Getting On and Falling Out!
This workshop is ideally suited for children with limited social skills, poor communications skills and behaviour that is best supported in a nurture environment. The work is delivered individually or in small groups to learn the simple skills demonstrated in the session. When the child returns to their usual environment they have the opportunity to practice and perfect these skills.
The workshop includes:
Using a range of practical resources to be used during role play, story telling an puppetry sessions
Being 'coached' by the adult to open or continue conversations using suitable vocabulary
Using conventions such as taking turns and asking and answering questions
Respond to small manageable tasks given by staff members
5. My School Family
My School Family is designed for pupils who exhibit challenging behaviour with an inability to manage their emotions and who struggle to make positive choices. These pupils tend not to admit to their behaviour, show no remorse and hold others responsible for their actions. Exploring their place within their school family enables them to understand and accept the rules, rights, respect and responsibilities that are essential as members of society in later life.
The training provides:
A safe place in which pupils can let down their barriers
Setting ground rules for the session and future experiences
Activities to define rules, rights, respect and responsibility
Why rules are necessary and why following them in school matters
An understanding of the expectations and rewards of being part of a community
6. Learning to Think, Feel and Respond
Some children and young people struggle when it comes to making appropriate choices in a range of situations. While some will take some time to think before acting, others find it difficult to be discerning and so impulsive urges will dominate. This workshop will help children to explore the potential consequences of their behaviour choices and consider alternative actions.
The training includes:
Learning techniques for controlled breathing to slow down the spontaneous impulses
Using mindfulness to allow them to experiences free-flowing thoughts
Understanding risky behaviour and how to manage it
An awareness of willpower and how it can be used positively
The use of visualisation to promote positive thoughts and action
7. Conflict Resolution: Owning My Behaviour
This is ideally suited for children who display anti-social behaviours, who do not make or keep friends for very long. They often struggle to conform in most social environments, have poor communication skills and behaviour that is best supported in a nurture environment. The work is delivered individually or in small groups to learn the simple skills demonstrated in the session. When the child returns to their usual environment they have the opportunity to practice and perfect these skills.
The workshop includes:
Exercises for children to consider a range of familiar scenarios they may have difficulty managing
Learning to think ahead about the potential consequences of undesired behaviour
Strategies help them make better choices and long-term decisions
A restorative approach to resolving issues with other children and adults
8. When I Get Angry!
This workshop is for children whose behaviour is characterised by impulsive, irregular and irrational acts. Where children's behaviour is verbally or physically aggressive, includes insults, threats or swearing they often describe an episode similar to 'the red mist coming down' before they have the thought process or opportunity to stop themselves.
The training provides:
An awareness of a range of negative feelings
Identifying that frustration, disappointment and failure are natural feelings
Developing their emotional intelligence and emotional literacy
Recognising negative feelings in others and building their tolerance
Learning to use patience, willpower, time out and similar strategies to calm their feelings
9. Why Should I ... ? Workshop for Key Stage 1
Whilst most young children welcome and thrive where routines and rules are clear, some children find this a challenge. Most often these children don't have well-enforced boundaries at home; they don't understand the expectations adults have that they do the right thing when asked and usually don't respect the feelings or property of others.
The workshop includes:
Role play and humour that the children will enjoy
An understanding that routines include what is happening now and next
Recognising that respect should be given to everyone and practice using suitable language
10. My Time is Now! Workshop for Key Stage 2
As children move through Key Stage 2 their friendships often change, they begin to like different things and think in different ways from their friends. This can sometimes leave children feeling isolated and they begin to worry unnecessarily about who they are and if they are worthy of being a friend. This workshop will help children to feel more positive about themselves and recognise their strengths and qualities. This workshop helps to create a safe space in which they can be themselves, celebrate their individuality and resist negative peer pressure. It is ideally targeted at pupils approaching the end of Year 6.
The workshop includes:
Exploring the qualities of being a good person
Acknowledging that they have strengths and qualities that others don't
Working along others to celebrate their positive characters
Giving and receiving complements and celebrating praise
11. Why Do I Feel Like This? Listening to My Feelings
This workshop is Covid-19 inspired. Its content has the flexibility to be delivered to all age groups from Key Stage 1 to adults. It's suitable for a class, small groups or individuals and includes the thoughts and feelings of the participants at the outbreak of the pandemic, during the lockdown periods and subsequently as social restrictions have been lifted. There is signposting to individual and group support for children and young people, including therapeutic interventions through telephone and video (eg: online counselling). Targeted individual and group support for vulnerable groups through telephone and video consultation from qualified practitioners.
The workshop includes:
Feeling able to put their anxieties in perspective
Learning strategies for calming down and managing intrusive negative thoughts
Accepting and recognising that everyone has, in some way, been affected by Covid-19
Understanding the loss of control, isolation and anxiety they are likely to have been feeling
12. Managing Aggression, Bullying and Coercive Behaviour
This work can be delivered for children from upper Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4. Where children's natural behaviour appears to be aggressive and intimidating, sometimes influencing - or being influenced by - the behaviour of others, this work begins with individual sessions. During the subsequent sessions, each one gives more challenge to the way in which the child behaves and introduces others with similar behaviours. Implementing and monitoring ground rules is necessary. Its content has the flexibility to be adapted for individual use with age groups from Key Stage 1 to adults.
The works includes:
Understanding why the child is aggressive or violent
An appreciation of the point of view of those who receive aggression
Frank and honest discussions about the bullying or aggressive behaviour to child displays
Addressing the risky behaviours that may be associated with the expectations of others placed on the child
13. Children's Behaviour for Learning Workshop
For most educational settings very challenging behaviour has clear consequences that are defined in the Behaviour Policy. However, some of the most troublesome behaviour is the persistent disruptive incidents occurring in the classroom during lesson time. Pencil tapping, swinging on chairs and humming can be very distracting for those who are trying to work. During these sessions, strategies for dealing with poor engagement and lack of focus are likely to help those who are distracted and those responsible for distractions.
The sessions include:
Using strategies and suitable resources to absorb the effect of disruption
Clear and achievable expectations of behaviour for learning for behaviour
Consistent sanctions where the undesired behaviour continues
Understanding and taking responsibility of the effects of persistent disruptive behaviour on the learning of all of the children
14. Understanding Citizenship Workshop
As children move through Key Stage 2 and beyond they are often given additional responsibilities and sometimes privileges. It is important that children understand that these responsibilities are to be earned and taken seriously. As much as the children are aware of their rights they need to know the relationship between rights and responsibilities. They will be helped to develop an awareness of the correlation with citizenship and their role in wider society.
The workshop includes:
Being a member of a community in their own right
Knowing what responsibilities are entailed when being selected for a role
Being clear that for 'senior' positions in school excellent behaviour is expected
Consistent sanctions where undesired behaviour occurs and managing boundaries
15. Feelings and Emotions Workshop
The workshop is suitable as a whole class PSHE session, small group work or as a series of sessions in a nurture group. It is designed to help children in Key Stage 1 to be able to name and recognise a range of positive and negative feelings. The use of puppets and/or dolls helps the children to be able to project their feelings and talk about when they have felt that way.
The workshop includes:
Knowing about the emotions, happy, sad, angry, frightened, excited, pleased etc:
An understanding that their feelings are linked to what is going on around them
Being aware of what do if they are overwhelmed by their feelings
16. The Blue Balloon Workshop
This workshop is designed for pupils who present with emotional dysregulation; responses that are poorly modulated and outside of the accepted range of emotive response. Emotional dysregulation can be associated with an experience of early psychological trauma, neglect and abuse. These pupils often struggle to make positive choices and are drawn to risky behaviours and may demonstrate traits of Attention Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Condition and Foetal Alcohol Spectrum disorders.
The training provides:
Practical strategies to encourage positive motivation and readiness for change
A greater awareness of emotional intelligence and emotional literacy
Empowering children to consider their thoughts, feelings and responses to challenge
Pupils embracing respect for themselves and for others
To reduce the impulsive nature of risky behaviours and consider alternative actions
17. Sensory Processing & Behaviour: Supporting Autistic Children
Autistic children are likely to experience sensory processing issues while at school. Distressed behaviours in autistic children includes what would normally be considered physically aggressive behaviour, such as slapping, biting, spitting or hair pulling. It can also include other behaviours if they are having a negative impact on the person or their family. They could be a number of reasons for this, including difficulty in processing information. Not being able to communicate their difficulties can lead to outbursts of distressed behaviour.
During the workshop you will::
Be aware of sensory processing issues
Develop an understanding of sensory dysregulation
Have an appreciation of causes of stress and anxiety for autistic children
Know how sensory processing issues can have a knock-on effect on children
Understand the impact of sensory processing issues on children’s happiness
Learn how sensory differences impact on behaviour
Know how to help autistic children live happier, calmer lives
18. ADHD Traits & Behaviour: Identifying Sensory Needs & Supporting Self-Regulation
Children with ADHD may display inattentiveness where they will have difficulty concentrating and focusing or hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Some children will experience both. The ability to recognise and help the child to manage their sensory sensitivities is extremely important for their behaviour, social, emotional and mental health needs and for their learning. This workshop is written from a behaviour perspective, rather than a clinical one. It is suitable for staff, parents, adults, professionals and older children with ADHD.
During the workshop you will:
Be aware of the typical traits for ADHD
Develop an understanding of sensory dysregulation
Have an appreciation of the causes of stress and anxiety for children with ADHD
Know how sensory processing issues can have a knock-on effect on children
Understand the impact of poor emotional dysregulation
Learn about how sensory experiences impact on behaviour
Know how to help children with ADHD have happier and calmer lives
I have written each of the workshops with children, adults, school staff, parents and professionals in mind. However, the delivery of each workshop session is tailored to the setting and the audience. The workshop sessions are quality assured and evaluated. Some have been delivered in schools with 96% feedback that is good and excellent and others are newly written this term to meet the demand of our changing needs. I can offer bespoke workshops that suit your needs as well as the following services:
PSHE Sessions
Staff Coaching
NQT Support
Staff Meetings
Parent Coffee Mornings or Afternoons