There are some great webinars, training sessions & events coming up between August & December - most of which are FREE or only £5.00!
Join my Meetup group for FREE where you can get more information and regular updates of events taking place.
If you work with children and young people or have children of your own and would like to understand more about what makes them tick, take a look at these upcoming events:
Overcoming Trauma: Getting Rid of Baggage
Adolescence, Angst & Anxiety: How to Support Young People
Poor Behaviour or Schematic Play?
Wellbeing Walk at Sandwell Valley Country Park
Virtual Dads Support Group: Autism
Same Difference Festival
Helping Disadvantaged Children Thrive
Understanding Autism
Young People, Mental Health & CCE/CSE
How Autistic People Process Information
Autism & the Teenage Brain
Shillong Chamber Choir: Raising Funds for Charity
Casting Light on the Regional Skills Challenge
Asking for Help: The Barriers and How to Overcome Them
Autism & Girls
Supporting the Mental Health of Young People with SEND
Alliancing in Health & Social Care
Contextual Safeguarding & Trauma-Related Youth Work Practice
Or take part in a family walk, go to a festival or listen to great music just for fun!!