There are further FREE webinars that explain the need for emotional and behavioural support for children and young people, including those who are vulnerable and at risk of harm or exploitation. Most local authorities provide support for children and schools where very challenging behaviour is demonstrated via Pupil Referral Units, hubs or centres. Unfortunately, children with challenging behaviour are most often referred for support when the issues are long-established and much more difficult to manage. They may previously have been excluded, in line with the school’s behaviour policy. The webinar outlines the importance of early intervention and the provision of comprehensive support that benefits pupils, school staff, educational settings, parents and professionals.
Webinar dates, register in advance for this online Zoom event:
Wednesday 5th October, 2022 from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Monday 10th October, 2022 from 2:15 pm to 3:15 pm