Current Parent Workshops Available
These workshops have been developed for a range of aspects of behaviour for parents and families to use at home. They are designed to address a variety of issues which are applicable to children with social and emotional needs or challenging behaviour. They are also preventative approaches to supporting children as they navigate their way through life.
Building Resilience Workshop for Parents
This training offers support for parents to understand and facilitate the opportunity for children to benefit from understanding basic concepts that will help them in managing their behaviour. It is helpful where family members routinely display patterns of behaviour consistent with an inability to manage issues, conflicts and feelings. This is particularly relevant where pupils are known to have challenging lifestyles or difficult situations outside of school that influence their behaviour within school. The training provides parents with a range of activities to help with practical strategies for building their children’s resilience and support for families to appreciate why the behaviours of children and their families can be more suitably managed.
Its aims are:
To have an awareness of some of the challenges that can affect children’s behaviour
To be equipped with problem-solving skills to help build their resilience
To develop an understanding of why resilience is important
CDI Strategy Parent Workshops
Similar to the CDI (Choice, Decision, Instruction) Strategy and Coaching Skills Approach for schools, this training helps to address low-level and medium-level behaviour issues in the home. Children benefit from understanding basic concepts that will help them in managing their behaviour. Supporting children in making appropriate choices, making the right decisions and in following instructions will enable them to focus on necessary skills for successful interaction with adults and other children in the home. This strategy establishes a simple, structure for promoting these concepts that may be used by parents and carers.
Aims of the training:
To establish the purpose of the strategy
To identify and use appropriate language and terminology
To demonstrate understanding of the concepts
To apply learning to practical situations in the home
Why Do I Feel Like This? Listening to My Feelings
This workshop is Covid-19 inspired. Its content has the flexibility to be delivered to all age groups from Key Stage 1 to adults. It's suitable for a class, small groups or individuals and includes the thoughts and feelings of the participants at the outbreak of the pandemic, during the lockdown periods and subsequently as social restrictions have been lifted. There is signposting to individual and group support for children and young people, including therapeutic interventions through telephone and video (eg: online counselling). Targeted individual and group support for vulnerable groups through telephone and video consultation from qualified practitioners. The workshop includes:
Feeling able to put their anxieties in perspective
Learning strategies for calming down and managing intrusive negative thoughts
Accepting and recognising that everyone has, in some way, been affected by Covid-19
Understanding the loss of control, isolation and anxiety they are likely to have been feeling
Managing Aggression, Bullying and Coercive Behaviours
Where natural behaviour appears to be aggressive and intimidating, sometimes influencing - or being influenced by - the behaviour of others, this work begins with individual sessions. During the subsequent sessions, each one gives more challenge to the way in which the individual behaves and introduces others with similar behaviours. Implementing and monitoring ground rules is necessary. Its content has the flexibility to be delivered to all age groups from Upper Key Stage 2 to adults. The workshop includes:
Understanding why the individual is aggressive or violent
An appreciation of the point of view of those who receive aggression
Frank and honest discussions about the bullying or aggressive behaviour the individual displays
Addressing risky behaviours that may be associated with the expectations of others placed on the person